Ken's Corner: Acceptance

Accept, wha?

If something is broke, I fix. If something feels wrong, I try to right it. If a relationship or conversation feels 'off', I confront it. If something is great, it could probably be even greater. This doesn't overwhelm me (well, sometimes). It mostly motivates me. I thrive off accomplishing, checking off my to do list, and living with convictions about what is fair and right.

To accept something hard, for the sake of focusing on something better, or simply because I don't have any control over it, is just plain nuts to me.

But a month ago Ken encouraged me to accept an issue that has very much felt like a 'thorn in my side' but was completely out of my control.

I'll spare you details (and protect those I love dearly in my life) but man, this particular issue is so important. Spiritually. Physically. Emotionally. Financially. It's a whopper- at least in my heart. But Ken suggested that I let it go. That I realize it's truly not as big of a deal. At one point he even said I shouldn't 'catostrophize it'. (Blogger is confirming my suspicion with it's squiggly red line. This indeed is not a real word! I'll let it slide...).

A solution to the anxiety 'letting go' evokes is to think about the purpose and 'fruit' of doing so:

1. To have peace around something that can consume my thoughts and tax my emotions that truly isn't in my control whatsoever.
2. To lift the burden I project on the person involved (yuck)

If I were to be very thoughtful about this issue of acceptance, I'd also benefit from thinking how accepting others, imperfections and all, is a demonstration of grace. For example, I have a friend who's pretty bad at staying in touch or following through. It bothers me! But if I were to just accept her, and the fact she's not super great at reaching out and probably won't change, then I'm letting grace win out over bitterness.

I think acceptance will bring freedom and peace.
And will remind me to let go of control.

Because control is just an illusion, said Ken.
Sounds like a blog for next week :)


Ken's Corner: Five to One


Ken's Corner - Talking